Asta Bumi Cipta
Where Every Procurement Challenge Finds Its Perfect Match
About Us
OUR MISSION is to become YOUR ULTIMATE SOLUTION, aligning with the company’s long-term vision of being the Most Trusted Corporate Supplier in Indonesia. PT Asta Bumi Cipta serves as the master of all trades, offering a comprehensive solution to fulfill your every procurement need.
Established in February 2016, Asta was born from the vision of its founders, who, while working as engineers in the energy sector, recognized the challenges and complexities within procurement processes. This realization sparked the idea and opportunity for Asta to bridge the gap between supply and demand.
With our motto “Not just a regular dealer or intermediary,” Asta distinguishes itself and thrives even amidst market turmoil.

Our vision is to be the biggest Corporate Supplier in Indonesia serving various types of industries. We believe we will achieve our dreams by providing our three core values : Quality Control, Finance, Corporate Legality.
- To provide quality of product to our customer in the industries.
- To consistently deliver cost-effective product and solutions to achieve extraordinary results for our customers.
- To build long-lasting relationships within the industry by conducting our business with integrity and commitment.
- To promote growth and competency development to our employees while maintaining core values and ethical standards.
Our Principles

INTEGRITY is the foundation of our Company. We put integrity in every aspect of our lives, starting with our personnel attitude on day to day basic activities, up to their performing actions with the Customers and Vendors. We put zero tolerance for any cases of integrity.

COMMITMENT to serve YOU what brings us the highest endurance, to bring you the cost-efficient and effective products or services with quality. Our team strives to survive in any situation, never to fail keeping our commitment to YOU.

ENERGY is what drives us forward, however POSITIVE ENERGY makes US go extra miles for YOU. It gives us spirit to pursue any leads for betterment, also determines to complete all tasks on hand faster , in order to take some more for YOU.
Our Achievement
1st Best Supplier in Goods Category
Held during a pandemic, PT PJB’s annual event is a little different than usual. Virtual Supplier Gathering UPMKR 2020 is on their way to encourage and appreciate the great work of its partners. There are 125 participants in the virtual award, and PT Asta Bumi Cipta is selected as the Best Supplier in Goods Category. It is a testament of our hard work, and we will continue to do so, or even better.
1st Best Supplier in Service Category
1st Best Supplier in Service PT PJB UP Muara Karang held another Supplier Gathering at the end year of 2021. It is an honor for us to win the award again in a different supplier category. PT Asta Bumi Cipta was nominated as “The 1st Winner of Best Supplier in Service Category”. We are truly delighted and proud because this achievement added more proof about our excellence in providing service and products for customers.
1st Best Supplier in Service Product
Jakarta, 28/9 – PT PJB Unit Muara Tawar once again held a Supplier Gathering, it is an honor for us to be awarded the 1st Place Best Goods Provider award. This award shows achievement and adds to the evidence of our excellence in providing services and products for customers.
Received Item
Our Licenses & Certificates
- Company Domicile Certificate (Jakarta and other branches)
(Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan – SKDP – Jakarta dan cabang lainnya)
- Business License (Jakarta and other branches)
(Izin Usaha – Jakarta dan cabang lainnya)
- Business Identification Number
(Nomor Induk Berusaha – NIB)
- Statement of Environmental Management and Monitoring Undertaking
(Surat Pernyataan Kesanggupan Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup – SPPL)
- Substitute Letter for Administrative Document
(Surat Pengganti Dokumen Administrasi – SPDA)
- Tax Identification Number
(Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak – NPWP)
- Business Entity Certificate & Permit for Construction Services
(Sertifikat Badan Usaha & Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi – SBU & IUJK)
Taxable Enterprise Confirmation
(Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak – SPPKP)
- ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
(Sertifikat ISO 9001:2015)
Any Questions?
Drop us a line and we’d
love to answer!